
Sunday, 23 November 2014

Watch the video and you can see it coming across as a fitting reply to all those people who think clothing makes a girl vulnerable, clothing does not need to change it is the mindset of the people that needs a change..... ...
The World has changed and so have we, the advent of technology has increased the distance between us instead of decreasing it. Old Delhi Films, has actually tried to pick up the same topic and bring forward the agony of elders in the house. While...

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Google has become an integrated part of our lives, and we all rely on it for information mining from our beloved internet... Don't We.... Here are some tricks that Google does when you key in specific key words... The list of key words is present...
Now we all love Coca-Cola, don't we. These experiments would coke will tell you much more about the Drink we all love........ Are you a foodie? if yes and you love Cooking Visit our Vegetarian Recipe Site
This is for all those people who thought that McDonald's taste is the same across the world, look at this video to find out what Americans think of items from British McDonald's Are you a foodie? if yes and you love Cooking Visit our Vegetarian...

Sunday, 16 November 2014

We are what are parents teach us, they give us the confidence to be our true self... Our Childhood is a collection of everything that our parents do around us, they give us the attitude to move forward and be positive always... This adorable video...
In this wonderful age of medical advancements, there is more and more hope for babies born premature. Such is the case for Ward Miles. Born 3.5 months early, he spent months in the NICU, but that is just the beginning! Watch this beautiful video...
Delhi the capital of India, has been the playground for power hungry people. The city is dotted with rich Brats who have no respect for society and women..... The story shows what happens when the situation is confronted by one such Brat...........
Water is surely very versatile, these 8 tricks will definitely blow your mind away..... These all look like magic, watch it to believe it......... ...
So BeingIndian, decided to ask Mumbaikars a few questions and take their views on Pakistan. The reactions sound a bit too diplomatic for most of the people, if the Camera would have been hidden we might have got the true reactions.... But anyways...
As a child we did so many things, that we wish that we can do again. We keep on looking for chances to do those things again and again, but in a hidden manner, we look for opportunities to those things that we have enjoyed in the past.... But why...

Saturday, 15 November 2014

There has been a big fight since forever, about whether size matters or not, in everything and we think you all what everything means. BBC's Brian Cox, decided to take the question head on and decided to conduct this experiment in the high-tech NASA...

Monday, 3 November 2014

Kalyug by R Sreeram My rating: 5 of 5 stars So it starts with a theory and the theory culminates into a full-fledged plan, to achieve something that no one can imagine witnessing in the world's largest democracy. What starts like an orchestrated...
Woman Harassment is a genuine cause of concern and no one any where in the world has been left untouched, the video is an experiment conducted on the streets of New York and the results are startling to say the least......
Now there is some sort of a drama brewing here it seems, but the pun is intended and the Junta caught in middle of the prank realizes that it is nothing but Drama on the go inside an Auto........

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